Saturday, January 31, 2015

Week4: Something that was challenging and frustrating for me this week.

This week was very challenging for me. Honestly, I find lab materials and quiz that we take at the end of the lab to be challenging. I read course note and attend class but still they are challenging for me. I think there must be a problem within me. I think my biggest problem that I found is that I tend to just read only required things but don’t really try hard to apply or practice it by solving questions. As a result, I find lab materials to be challenging and this made me very frustrating. From now on, I think I should practice more questions to make myself familiar with the topics that I learn in CSC148

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Why geeks should write

In my opinion, writing is something that most people should be doing, not just geeks. To write and to keep record on something is very useful and meaningful habit that one should obtain. There are many benefits on writing and I would like to list few benefits that I personally think are very important.

You can organize things precisely and visually by writing. When you write, you can always erase and add stuff whenever you want to so this allows people to organize things more precisely. Also, see thing visually is very different from just imagining or thinking through head. If you can see thing visually you can see what is wrong and you can fix it and improve it.

You can also not worry about forgetting about things when you write. When you write, stuff you wrote will be there for you as long as you keep it safe. I personally, forget things easily but I never forget things that I write out.

Lastly, when you write things out it makes you to plan ahead much better and easily because you are able to check what you wrote previously. From looking at what you wrote before, you can plan things ahead considering the past things. Since you clearly know what you have done in the past, this can make you to realize what things that you should not be doing for the future or what things you did really well that you have to do it again.

Writing is like solving a calculus problem, because it would be very hard for one to just come up with solution by just using head. However, if you write down steps then it is way easier, precise, and clear to solve it since you check what you are doing very well. Also, looking at writing can make you to realize how you have been doing and this will eventually make you to be a better person.